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Prof. Dr. Benoit Hendrickx

Après sa formation en Belgique, le Pr Hendrickx s'est perfectionné dans plusieurs domaines dans diverses branches de la chirurgie plastique au Royaume-Uni et en Australie. Il a été affilié à l'UZ Brussel pendant 10 ans et poursuit sa carrière académique et scientifique.

Il est le fondateur et président de la société Augmented Anatomy, une startup qui a développé une technologie révolutionnaire pour mettre en évidence les différences anatomiques en réalité augmentée.


Prof. Dr. Benoit Hendrickx

Prof Hendrickx is heft zich na zijn opleiding in België op meerdere vlakken geperfectioneerd in diverse takken van de plastische chirurgie in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Australië. Hij was gedurende 10 jaar verbonden aan het UZ Brussel en zet zijn academische en wetenschappelijke carrière verder.

Hij is oprichter en voorzitter van het bedrijf Augmented Anatomy, een startup die een revolutionaire technologie ontwikkeld heeft om de anatmische verschillen in het gelaat te brengen in Augmented reality.

Curriculum vitae

Éducation et expérience de travail
  • Formation médicale 1997-2004 : KULeuven - plus haute distinction
  • Spécialité médicale : Chirurgie plastique et reconstructive, UZ Leuven
  • Doctorat en sciences médicales, KULeuven - 28 juin 2010 (Cellules souches dans la cicatrisation)
  • Recherche postdoctorale Août 2010- Juillet 2012 Blond McIndoe Research
         Foundation, East Grinstead, Sussex, Royaume-Uni : Potentiel thérapeutique du sang
         Cellules endothéliales d'excroissance chez les patients brûlés.
  • Études supplémentaires
             Bourse de recherche en microchirurgie Queen Victoria Hospital, East
             Grinstead, Sussex : 2010-2012
             Bourse de recherche en chirurgie esthétique Mc Indoe Surgical center, East
             Grinstead, Sussex : 2012
             Bourse de recherche en chirurgie esthétique Melbourne Institute of Plastic
             Chirurgie, Melbourne, Australie : 2012-2013
  • Reviewer pour des revues scientifiques et des publications de magazines
  • Membre du comité consultatif scientifique de Galderma, septembre 2019-actuel
  • Membre du conseil d'administration de la Société Royale Belge de Chirurgie Plastique (RBSPS)
  • Membre de la Société Internationale de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique (ISAPS)
  • Membre de l'Association américaine des chirurgiens plasticiens (AAPS)
  • Membre de l'Association Européenne des Chirurgiens Plasticiens (EURAPS)

Hendrickx B., Den Hondt M., Verdonck K., Vranckx J., Luttun A. Cell and Gene transfers for vascularization during skin wound healing in ‘Emerging trends in Cell and Gene Therapy’ by AAPS-Springer 2012 ISBN 978-1-62703-417-3.

Publications scientifiques à comité de lecture

Hendrickx B, Zeltzer A, Hamdi M, Greensmith A
The ‘WiFi’ otoplasty – a new, entirely posterior approach for correction of prominent ears.
J Plas Reconstr Surg, 2018 Feb 19. S1748-6815

Beerens M, Aranguren X, Hendrickx B, Dresselaers T, Himmelreich U, Verfaillie C, Luttun A
Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells Support Lymphatic Regeneration at Multiple Anatomical Levels during Wound Healing and Lymphedema
Nature Scientific Reports, 2018 Mar 1;8(1):3852

Zeltzer A, De Baerdemaeker R, Hendrickx B, Seidenstucker K, Brussaard C, Hamdi M
Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap harvest after full abdominoplasty.
Acta Chir Belg. 2018 Mar 1:1-6

Hamdi M, Anzarut A, Hendrickx B, Ortiz S, Zeltzer A, Kappos E
Percutaneous purse-string suture: an innovative Percutaneous technique for inframammary fold creation and improved breast projection in reconstructive surgery.
Aesthet Surg J. 2017 Dec 22

Desmedt B, Ates G, Courselle P, De Beer JO, Rogiers V, Hendrickx B, Deconinck E, De Paepe K
In vitro Dermal Absorption of Hydroquinone: Protocol Validation and Applicability on Illegal Skin-Whitening Cosmetics.
Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2016;29(6):300-308. doi: 10.1159/000454719. Epub 2017 Jan 5
Zeltzer AA, Anzarut A, Braeckmans D, Seidenstuecker K, Hendrickx B, Van Hedent E, Hamdi M
The vascularized groin lymph node flap (VGLN): anatomical study and flap planning using multi-detector CT scanner. The golden triangle for flap harvesting.
J Surg Oncol. 2017 Sep;116(3):378-383. doi: 10.1002/jso.24682. Epub 2017 May 25.

Hamdi M, Craggs B, Brussaard C, Seidenstueker K, Hendrickx B, Zeltzer A
Lumbar Artery Perforator Flap: An Anatomical Study Using Multidetector Computed Tomographic Scan and Surgical Pearls for Breast Reconstruction
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Aug;138(2):343-52

De Brucker B, Zeltzer A, Seidenstuecker K, Hendrickx B, Adriaenssens N, Hamdi M
Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Quality of Life after Lymph Node Transfer
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Jun;137(6):1673-80

Zeltzer A, Craggs B, Van Thielen J, Hendrickx B, Seindenstuecker K, Hamdi M, Massive Hemi-facial Edema After Permanent Filler Removal in an HIV-Positive Patient. Precautions and Patient Information.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2015 Jun;39(3):425-7

Hamdi M, Craggs B, Stoel AM, Hendrickx B, Zeltzer A. Superior Epigastric Artery Perforator flaps: anatomy, clinical applications and review of the literature.
J Reconstr Microsurg. 2014 Sep;30(7):475-82

Hendrickx B., Ritz M. Pubic contouring in the male massive weight loss patient
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Jul;132(1):175e-6e

Hendrickx B., Ritz M. Monsplasty for women after massive weight loss,
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2013 Apr;37(2):277

Smeets L.*, Hendrickx B.*, Teo T.C.
The propellor concept in vaginal wall reconstruction.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2011, Nov 29 (* : both authors contributed equally)

Hendrickx B., Vranckx J.J., Luttun A.
Clinical application of stem cells in wound healing: a near future?
EWMA Journal, July 2011.

Hendrickx B., Vranckx J.J., Luttun A.
Cell-based vascularization strategies for skin tissue engineering.
Tissue Eng Part B. 2011 Feb;17(1):13-24.

Hendrickx B., Verdonck K., Van den Berge S., Dickens S., Eriksson E., Vranckx J.J., Luttun A.
Integration of Blood Outgrowth Endothelial Cells (BOEC) in dermal fibroblast sheets promotes full thickness wound healing.
Stem Cells. 2010, Jul;28(7):1165-77.

Dickens S, Van den Berge S, Hendrickx B, Verdonck K, Luttun A, Vranckx JJ. Non-viral gene therapy strategies for keratinocytes, fibroblasts and endothelial progenitor cells for ex vivo gene transfer to skin wounds.
Tissue Eng Part C, 2010 Dec;16(6):1601-8.

Vermeulen P., Dickens S., Degezelle K., Van den Berge S., Hendrickx B.,Vranckx JJ.
A Plasma-Based Biomatrix Mixed with Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Keratinocytes Promotes Matrix Formation, Angiogenesis, and Reepithelialization in Wounds.
Tissue Eng Part A. 2009 Jul;15(7):1533-42.

Dickens S., Vermeulen P., Hendrickx B.Van den berge S., Vranckx JJ.
Regulable VEGF165 overexpression by ex vivo expanded keratinocyte cultures promotes matrix formation, angiogenesis and healing in porcine full thickness wounds
Tissue Eng Part A. 2008;14(1):19-27,

Aranguren X., McCue J.*, Hendrickx B.*, Zhu X., Du F., Chen E., Pelacho B., Peñuelas I., Abizanda G., Uriz M., Frommer SA, Ross J., Schroeder B., Seaborn M., Adney JR., Hagenbrock J., Harris NH., Zhang Y., Zhang X., Nelson-Holte M., Jiang Y., Billiau A., Chen W., Prósper F., Verfaillie C., Luttun A.
Multipotent adult progenitor cells sustain function of ischemic limbs by stimulating vessel and muscle regeneration.
J Clin Invest, 2008 Feb;118(2):505-14 (* : both authors contributed equally)


Tissue Engineering (impact factor 2016: 3,98)

PlosOne (impact factor 2016: 3,54)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (impact factor 2016: 2,10)

Journal of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (impact factor 2016: 2,04)

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (impact factor 2016: 0,79)

Case reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery (impact factor 2016: 0,53)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open (impact factor: to be determined)


Beauty Through Science (BTS) Meeting – June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden

5th Shiraz Rinology and Facial Plastic Surgery International Course (SRFPIC) – May 2019, Shiraz, Iran

IMCAS, Jan 2019, Paris, France

Inspire Galderma, Jan 2019, Breda, The Netherlands

FACE meeting, 14-16 June 2018, London, UK: Avoidance and management of filler complications.

Australasian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) NSS meeting June 2017, Gold Coast, Australia: Periorbital Anatomy and preventing complications of fillers

Australasian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) facial cadaver course, June 2017, Brisbane university, Australia: Anatomical danger zones: preventing severe complications

Oculo-Facial Aesthetic Academy (OFAA) cadaver dissection course King’s College London 4 March 2017

Societa Italiana de Medicina e Chirurgia Esthetica 2017, Bologna, Italy: The need to demystify Botulinum Toxin: from common misunderstandings to best clinical practice

Chinese Medical Society 2016, Haerbin, China: The angiosome concept: Anatomical insights and complications of facial injections.

Dermato-aesthetic symposium 2015, Brussels, Belgium, Rejuvenation down under: Genital cosmetic surgery.

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Esthetische Geneeskunde 2015, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Restoring Facial Balance and achieving facial harmony, with live injections.

Advanced Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Workshop (19th AAPSW) 2015, Melbourne, Australia
Free flap breast reconstruction: the Belgian experience.

International Conference on Repair, Regeneration and Reconstruction (ICR3) 2014, London, UK
Development of fully autologous vascularized dermal substitutes for full thickness skin defects: cellular strategies

Advanced Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Workshop (17th AAPSW) 2013, Melbourne, Australia
The patient with the unknown breast implant

European Wound Management Associtation (EWMA) 2011, Brussels, Belgium:
Stem cells in wound healing: a near future?

European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) 2010, Ghent, Belgium:
Integration of Blood Outgrowth Endothelial Cells in dermal fibroblasts sheets promotes full thickness wound healing

Organised conferences and symposia

Clinical Cosmetic Research meeting London, 10-12 Oct 2019, scientific committee

European Rhinoplasty course, Feb 2019, Brussels, Belgium: co-director

Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery (RBSPS) Autumn meeting, 17 Nov 2018 La Hulpe, Belgium: Organizer.

Controversies, Art and Technology in Breast and Body Contouring (CATBBAS) meeting IV, Sept 2018, Brussels, Belgium: organizer

European Rhinoplasty Course March 2018, Brussels, Belgium: co-director

10th anniversary of the UZ Brussel Wound Clinic: Wound Care Symposium, Dec 2017: organizer

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) cadaver dissection course Liege January 2017: organizer

3d Controversies, Art and Technology in Breast and Body Contouring (CATBBAS) meeting Sept 2016: scientific committee

1st Combined EURAPS Research Council – European Plastic Surgery Research Council (EPSRC) meeting May 2016 : organizer

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) cadaver dissection course Liege January 2016 : organizer

Botulinum Toxin Symposium, Brussels, May 2015: Organizer

2nd Controversies, Art and Technology in Breast and Body Contouring (CATBBAS) meeting Sept 2014: scientific committee


European Plastic Surgery Research Council (10th EPSRC), Aug 2018, Hamburg, Germany

European Plastic Surgery Research Council (9th EPSRC), Aug 2017, Bukarest, Romania

Australasian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) NSS meeting June 2017, Gold Coast, Australia

EURAPS Research Council 2016, Brussels, Belgium: Local host and organizer

European Plastic Surgery Research Council (8th EPSRC) 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Local host and organizer

Advanced Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Workshop (19th AAPSW) 2015, Melbourne, Australia
How to manage complicated breast problems?

European Plastic Surgery Research Council (5th EPSRC) 2013, Hamburg, Germany
Chair composite tissue transplantation and wound healing session

Advanced Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Workshop (17th AAPSW) 2013, Melbourne, Australia
Chair mastopexy session and chair breast reconstruction session

European Plastic Surgery Research Council (3d EPSRC) 2011, Hamburg, Germany
Chair ischemia and angiogenesis session

European Plastic Surgery Research Council (2d EPSRC) 2010, Hamburg, Germany
Chair tissue engineering session